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Benefits of Doggy Daycare

October 1, 2020

Does your dog stay home while you go off to work to earn money for pet food and dog toys? Are you working from home and/or homeschooling the kids this year? If so, you may want to look into doggy daycare. In this article from Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your Boulder, CO vet clinic, serving Louisville and surrounding areas, a local vet lists some of the key benefits of bringing Fido to doggy daycare. 


Our canine companions are very loyal, but they do benefit from spending time with other pooches. As much as we love our pets, at the end of the day, we really don’t speak their language. That interaction is especially important for puppies. Dogs must be exposed to new places and faces while they’re young, so they can form an open mind about the world. Pups that weren’t socialized properly are much more likely to develop behavioral issues. Plus, your furry pal’s buddies will teach him the basics of, well, being a dog. 

Peaceful Classroom 

More people are working from home and homeschooling their children than ever before. This can be a lot to take on! Bringing Fido to daycare, even just a couple times a week, can help keep things quieter and calmer at home, so you can focus. 

Burn Zoomies

Our canine buddies can be very frisky and energetic. If your pooch is basically a furry bundle of zoom, let him spend the day running and playing with his friends. This will allow him to work off all that extra energy. By the time you pick him up, Fido will probably be a bit tired, and ready to unwind and cuddle with you as you’re winding down.

It’s Fun

Fido has really earned the title of Man’s Best Friend! Our canine pals are very loyal to their humans, and ultimately want nothing more than to be with us all day, every day. However, it just isn’t possible for your pet to stay with you 24/7. If your furry best friend gets lonely while you go off to work, he may really benefit from daycare. Instead of moping around the house or channeling his boredom into mischief, he’ll get to run and play with his friends!

Do you want to learn more about doggy daycare? Contact us here at Arapahoe Animal Hospital, your Boulder, CO veterinary clinic, serving Louisville and the surrounding areas.